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Papers共 39 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Xuntao Wu,Haoxiong Yan, Gustav Andersson, Alexander Anferov,Ming-Han Chou, Christopher R. Conner,Joel Grebel,Yash J. Joshi, Shiheng Li, Jacob M. Miller, Rhys G. Povey,Hong Qiao,Andrew N. Cleland
Harald Putterman,Kyungjoo Noh, Connor T. Hann, Gregory S. MacCabe, Shahriar Aghaeimeibodi,Rishi N. Patel, Menyoung Lee, William M. Jones, Hesam Moradinejad, Roberto Rodriguez, Neha Mahuli, Jefferson Rose,John Clai Owens,Harry Levine, Emma Rosenfeld,Philip Reinhold, Lorenzo Moncelsi, Joshua Ari Alcid,Nasser Alidoust, Patricio Arrangoiz-Arriola, James Barnett, Przemyslaw Bienias, Hugh A. Carson, Cliff Chen, Li Chen, Harutiun Chinkezian, Eric M. Chisholm,Ming-Han Chou,Aashish Clerk, Andrew Clifford, R. Cosmic, Ana Valdes Curiel, Erik Davis, Laura DeLorenzo, J. Mitchell D'Ewart, Art Diky, Nathan D'Souza, Philipp T. Dumitrescu, Shmuel Eisenmann, Essam Elkhouly, Glen Evenbly, Michael T. Fang, Yawen Fang, Matthew J. Fling,Warren Fon, Gabriel Garcia, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Julia A. Grant, Mason J. Gray, Sebastian Grimberg, Arne L. Grimsmo,Arbel Haim, Justin Hand, Yuan He, Mike Hernandez, David Hover, Jimmy S. C. Hung, Matthew Hunt, Joe Iverson, Ignace Jarrige, Jean-Christophe Jaskula,Liang Jiang, Mahmoud Kalaee, Rassul Karabalin,Peter J. Karalekas,Andrew J. Keller, Amirhossein Khalajhedayati, Aleksander Kubica,Hanho Lee, Catherine Leroux,Simon Lieu, Victor Ly, Keven Villegas Madrigal,Guillaume Marcaud, Gavin McCabe, Cody Miles, Ashley Milsted, Joaquin Minguzzi, Anurag Mishra, Biswaroop Mukherjee,Mahdi Naghiloo, Eric Oblepias, Gerson Ortuno, Jason Pagdilao,Nicola Pancotti, Ashley Panduro, JP Paquette, Minje Park, Gregory A. Peairs, David Perello,Eric C. Peterson, Sophia Ponte,John Preskill, Johnson Qiao,Gil Refael, Rachel Resnick, Alex Retzker, Omar A. Reyna, Marc Runyan,Colm A. Ryan, Abdulrahman Sahmoud, Ernesto Sanchez, Rohan Sanil, Krishanu Sankar, Yuki Sato, Thomas Scaffidi, Salome Siavoshi,Prasahnt Sivarajah, Trenton Skogland, Chun-Ju Su, Loren J. Swenson, Stephanie M. Teo, Astrid Tomada,Giacomo Torlai,E. Alex Wollack,Yufeng Ye, Jessica A. Zerrudo, Kailing Zhang,Fernando G. S. L. Brandão,Matthew H. Matheny,Oskar Painter
S.V. Kutsaev,R. Agustsson, A.C. Araujo-Martinez,D.M Broun,P. Carriere,M.H. Chou, T.S. Chouinard,A.N Cleland,P. Frigola, M.P. Kelly,A. Krasnok, N. Matavalam,A. Moro,R.G. Povey, T. Reid,A.Y. Smirnov
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 39

#Citation: 947

H-Index: 17

G-Index: 30

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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