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Career Trajectory
Monica Turcato (Member, IEEE) received the master’s and Ph.D. degrees in physics from the University of Padua. Before joining the photon science community, she dedicated a significant part of the career to high energy physics. She was involved in the ZEUS experiment of the HERA accelerator with the University of Hamburg, where she covered different roles, from expert in data taking to scientific data analysis coordinator. In 2011, she joined European XFEL as a Detector Scientist, and became the in-house responsible and contact person for the DSSC Consortium, developing one of the MHz detectors deployed at the facility. In the DSSC project, she lead the integration of the first detector at the SCS instrument, in 2019. She is currently the Head of the Detector Group, European XFEL, which is mandated with detector installation, commissioning, testing, calibration, and operation; the group also coordinates and participates to detector development projects aimed to providing specific detectors for the European XFEL.
Research Interests
Papers共 28 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
Philipp Schmidt,Karim Ahmed,Cyril Danilevski, David Hammer,Robert Rosca,Thomas Kluyver,Thomas Michelat,Egor Sobolev,Luca Gelisio,Luis Maia,Maurizio Manetti,Janusz Malka,Krzysztof Wrona,Jolanta Sztuk-Dambietz, Vratko Rovensky,Marco Ramilli, Nuno Duarte,David Lomidze, Ibrahym Dourki,Hazem Yousef,Bjoern Senfftleben, Olivier Meyer,Monica Turcato,Steffen Hauf,Steve Aplin
Marco Ramilli,Karim Ahmed,Raphael de Wijn,Thomas Dietze,Bruno Fernandes, David Hammer,Yifeng Jiang,Dmitry Khakhulin,Jayanath C. P. Koliyadu,Romain Letrun,Jia Liu,Carlos Lopez-Cuenca,Davide Mezza,Christopher Milne,Aldo Mozzanica,Andrea Parenti,Tokushi Sato,Philipp Schmidt,Bernd Schmitt,Marcin Sikorski,Monica Turcato,Yohei Uemura, Hao Wang,Hazem Yousef,Jiaguo Zhang
Marcus Agåker,Johan Söderström,Thomas M Baumann,Carl Johan Englund,Ludvig Kjellsson,Rebecca Boll,Alberto De Fanis,Simon Dold,Tommaso Mazza,Jacobo Montaño,Astrid Münnich,Terence Mullins,Yevheniy Ovcharenko,Nils Rennhack,Philipp Schmidt,Björn Senfftleben,Monica Turcato,Sergey Usenko,Michael Meyer,Joseph Nordgren,Jan Erik Rubensson
Journal of synchrotron radiationno. Pt 5 (2024): 1264-1275
Jolanta Sztuk-Dambietz, Vratko Rovensky,Alexander Klujev,Torsten Laurus,Ulrich Trunk,Karim Ahmed, Olivier Meyer,Johannes Moeller,Andrea Parenti,Natascha Raab,Roman Shayduk,Marcin Sikorski, Gabriele Ansaldi,Ulrike Boesenberg, Lopez M. Luis, Astrid Muenich,Thomas R. Preston,Philipp Schmidt,Stephan Stern,Richard Bean,Anders Madsen,Luca Gelisio,Steffen Hauf,Patrick Gessler,Krzysztof Wrona,Heinz Graafsma,Monica Turcato
Frontiers in Physics (2024)
Egor Sobolev,Philipp Schmidt,Janusz Malka, David Hammer,Djelloul Boukhelef,Johannes Moeller,Karim Ahmed,Richard Bean, Ivette Jazmin Bermudez Macias,Johan Bielecki,Ulrike Boesenberg,Cammille Carinan,Fabio Dall'Antonia,Sergey Esenov,Hans Fangohr, Danilo Enoque Ferreira de Lima,Luis Goncalo Ferreira Maia, Hadi Firoozi,Gero Flucke,Patrick Gessler,Gabriele Giovanetti,Jayanath Koliyadu,Anders Madsen,Thomas Michelat, Michael Schuh,Marcin Sikorski,Alessandro Silenzi,Jolanta Sztuk-Dambietz,Monica Turcato,Oleksii Turkot, James Wrigley,Steve Aplin,Steffen Hauf,Krzysztof Wrona,Luca Gelisio
Mungo Frost,R. Stewart McWilliams,Elena Bykova,Maxim Bykov,Rachel J. Husband, Leon M. Andriambariarijaona,Saiana Khandarkhaeva,Bernhard Massani,Karen Appel,Carsten Baehtz,Orianna B. Ball,Valerio Cerantola,Stella Chariton,Jinhyuk Choi,Hyunchae Cynn,Matthew J. Duff,Anand Dwivedi,Eric Edmund,Guillaume Fiquet,Heinz Graafsma,Huijeong Hwang,Nicolas Jaisle,Jaeyong Kim,Zuzana Konôpková,Torsten Laurus,Yongjae Lee,Hanns-Peter Liermann,James D. McHardy,Malcolm I. McMahon,Guillaume Morard,Motoaki Nakatsutsumi, Lan Anh Nguyen,Sandra Ninet,Vitali B. Prakapenka,Clemens Prescher,Ronald Redmer,Stephan Stern,Cornelius Strohm,Jolanta Sztuk-Dambietz,Monica Turcato,Zhongyan Wu,Siegfried H. Glenzer,Alexander F. Goncharov
Nature Astronomyno. 4 (2024): 545-545
Tobias Lojewski,Loïc Le Guyader,Naman Agarwal,Christine Boeglin,Robert Carley,Andrea Castoldi,Carsten Deiter,Robin Y. Engel,Florian Erdinger,Hans Fangohr,Carlo Fiorini,Natalia Gerasimova,Rafael Gort,Frank de Groot,Karsten Hansen,Steffen Hauf,David Hickin,Manuel Izquierdo, Lea Kämmerer,Benjamin E. Van Kuiken,David Lomidze,Stefano Maffessanti,Laurent Mercadier,Giuseppe Mercurio,Piter S. Miedema,Matthias Pace,Matteo Porro, Javad Rezvani,Nico Rothenbach,Benedikt Rösner,Andrey Samartsev, Justina Schlappa,Christian Stamm,Martin Teichmann,Monica Turcato,Alexander Yaroslavtsev,Florian Döring,Andreas Scherz,Christian David,Martin Beye,Uwe Bovensiepen,Heiko Wende,Andrea Eschenlohr,Katharina Ollefs
Ivana Klackova,Jolanta Sztuk-Dambietz,Heinz Graafsma, Mohammad Hosseini-Saber,Alexander Klyuev,Torsten Laurus, Olivier Meyer,Thomas Preston,Natascha Raab,Roman Shayduk,Marcin Sikorski,Stephan Stern,Cornelius Strohm,Ulrich Trunk,Monica Turcato
X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers Advances in Source Development and Instrumentation VI (2023)
IEEE ACCESS (2023): 84323-84335
Sergey M. Suturin,Andre Philippi-Kobs,Robert Carley,Rafael Gort,Gerhard Gruebel,Emmanuelle Jal,Marina Baidakova,Eugeniya Yu. Lobanova,Laurent Mercadier,Serguei L. Molodtsov,Leonard Mueller,Dmitrii Potorochin,Matthias Riepp,Wojciech Roseker,Andreas Scherz,Justine Schlappa,Loic Le Guyader,Giuseppe Mercurio,Monica Turcato,Benjamin Van Kuiken,Alexander Yaroslavtsev,Alexander Y. Deviatov,Yaroslav O. Kvashnin,Alexander I. Lichtenstein,Vladimir V. Mazurenko,Igor I. Pronin
PHYSICAL REVIEW Bno. 17 (2023)
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 28
#Citation: 200
H-Index: 6
G-Index: 13
Sociability: 6
Diversity: 2
Activity: 4
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