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Peter Pickkers,Derek C. Angus, Katherine Bass,Rinaldo Bellomo,Erik van den Berg,Juliane Bernholz, Morten H. Bestle,Kent Doi, Christopher J. Doig, Ricard Ferrer,Bruno François,Henrik Gammelager,Ulf Gøttrup Pedersen,Eric A. J. Hoste, Susanne Iversen, Michael Joannidis,John A. Kellum,Kathleen Liu,Melanie Meersch,Ravindra L. Mehta, Scott J. Millington,Patrick Murray,Alistair Nichol,Marlies Ostermann,Ville Pettilä, Christoffer Sølling, Matthias Winkel,Paul J. Young,Alexander Zarbock, Angus Carter,Dietmar Fries, Philip Eller,Ludovic Gérard, Nicolas DeSchryver, Elisabeth Diltoer,Vincent Huberlant, Isabelle Michaux, Patrick M. Honoré, Tom Fivez,Gordon Wood, J. Gordon Boyd, Alexis F. Turgeon, Maj K. Kamper, Thomas Strøm, Bodil Steen Rasmussen, Morten Hyllander Mæller, Thorbjoern Groefte,Nilanjan Dey,Miia Valkonen,Panu Uusalo, Ville Jalkanen, Ferhat Meziani,Jérémie Lemarié,Gaëtan Plantefève, Konstantinos Bachoumas, Jean Louis Dufour, Anne-Laure Fedou,Pierre Asfar,Xavier Monnet, Christophe Vinsonneau,Sébastien Gibot,Christophe Guitton, Jean‐Pierre Quenot, Grégoire Muller,Jean Yves Lefrant, Emmanuelle Mercier,Alexandre Mebazaa,Andreas Kortgen, Stephanie Fichtner, Stefan Kluge,Gernot Marx, I. Martín-Loeches, Bairbre McNicolas, Hidenobu Kamohara, Masahiro Harada, Takuo Nakagami, Shingo Adachi, Kohei Ota, Ryo Furuya, Ayumu Tsuruoka, Yasuaki Mizushima, Satoki Inoue, Pieter R. Tuinman, F Wim Roozendaal, Bert Beishuizen,Oscar Hoiting,Tom Dormans, Arthur R. H. van Zanten, Anthony P. Williams,Colin McArthur, Paweł Twardowski, Shay McGuinness, Carol Lorencio Cardenas, Antonio Valdivia Pérez, F. Martínez Sagasti, Ingeborg Welters, Matthew P. Wise, Sam Waddy,Niall MacCallum, Raghav Murugan,Hernando Gómez, Lore Bussé, David W. Boldt, Andrew C. Bernard,D. Clark Files, Benjamin D. Margolis, Jarrod Mosier, Jonathon Truwit, Félix Zamora,Danielle Davison,Matthew C. Exline, Nathan D. Nielsen, Duncan Hite
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 636

#Citation: 13044

H-Index: 56

G-Index: 112

Sociability: 7

Diversity: 0

Activity: 2

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