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Papers共 30 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Curt W. Reimann, Alecos Demetriades,Manfred Birke,Peter Filzmoser, Patrick J. O’Connor, P Halamic, Ladenberger, Madelen Andersson, Maria João Batista, A. Bel-lán, D. Cicchella, D. Demetriades, B. De Vivo,W. De Vos,Enrico Dinelli, M. Ďuriš, A. Dusza-Dobek,Ola A. Eggen, M. Eklund, Vibeke Ernstsen, Dee Flight, S. Forrester,Márta Fuchs, Ubul Fügedi, A. Gilucis,Mateja Gosar, V. Gregorauskiene, W. de Groot, A. Gulan,Josip Halamić, P. Hayoz,Richárd Hoffmann,Jurian Hoogewerff,Hazim Hrvatović,Stjepan Husnjak, L. J. Janik, G. Jordan, M. Kaminari,Jason K. Kirby, J. Kivisilla, V. Klos, F. Krone, P. Kwećko, László Kuti, Anna Ladenberger, Annamaria Lima, J. Locutura, D. P. Lucivjansky, A. Mann, D. Mackových,Michael J. McLaughlin, B. I. Malyuk, R. Maquil,Reto Giulio Meuli, G. Mol,Philippe Négrel, R. K. Oorts,Rolf Tore Ottesen,Anna Pasieczna, W. Petersell, S. Pfleiderer, M. Poňavič, S. Pramuka, C. Prazeres,Uwe Rauch, S. Radusinović, I. Salpeteur,Ray Scanlon, A. Schedl, Andreas Scheib, Ilse Schoeters, P. Šefčík, E. Sellersjö,Ferid Skopljak, I. Slaninka, Ajka Šorša, R. Srvkota,Trajče Stafilov,Timo Tarvainen, V. Trendavilov,Paolo Valera, Violaine Verougstraete, D. Vidojević, Andreas M. Zissimos, Z. Zomeni
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 29

#Citation: 820

H-Index: 14

G-Index: 28

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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