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Research Interests

Papers共 2 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Tricia A. Aden,Patricia Blevins, Shannon Whitman York, Stacy Rager, Devika Balachandran,Christina L. Hutson,David Lowe,Chris N. Mangal, Tyler Wolford,Audrey Matheny,Whitni Davidson,Kimberly Wilkins, Rachael Cook, Rebecca M. Roulo, Michael K. White,LaShondra Berman,Janna Murray, John Laurance, Drew Francis,Nicole M. Green, Ricardo A. Berumen,Anthony Gonzalez, Stacy Evans,Meghan Hudziec,Diane Noel, Michael Adjei,Gregory Hovan, Phil Lee, Lisa Tate,Remedios B. Gose,Robert Voermans, Jennifer Crew, Phillip R. Adam,Danielle Haydel, Salimatu Lukula,Nick Matluk,Sandip Shah,Joshua Featherston,Daphne Ware,Denise Pettit,Emily McCutchen, Edward Acheampong,Erin Buttery,Andrew Gorzalski,Michael Perry,Randal Fowler, Robert B. Lee, Robert Nickla,Richard Huard, Amanda Moore, Katie Jones, Renee Johnson,Erin Swaney, Juan Jaramillo,Cynthia Reinoso Webb, Brandon Guin, Janine Yost,Annette Atkinson, Latoya Griffin-Thomas, Jessica Chenette, Jessica Gant, Alana Sterkel, Harjinder K. Ghuman, James Lute,Sandra C. Smole, Vaneet Arora,Courtney K. Demontigny, Meilan Bielby, Evelyn Geeter, Kimberly A. M. Newman, Mark Glazier, Whitney Lutkemeier, Megan Nelson, Raymond Martinez,Jasmine Chaitram,Margaret A. Honein,Julie M. Villanueva
Author Statistics

#Papers: 2

#Citation: 43

H-Index: 1

G-Index: 1

Sociability: 3

Diversity: 1

Activity: 1

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