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Samantha Andrzejaczek,Tim C. D. Lucas,Maurice C. Goodman,Nigel E. Hussey,Amelia J. Armstrong,Aaron Carlisle,Daniel M. Coffey,Adrian C. Gleiss,Charlie Huveneers,David M. P. Jacoby,Mark G. Meekan,Johann Mourier,Lauren R. Peel,Katya Abrantes,Andre S. Afonso,Matthew J. Ajemian,Brooke N. Anderson,Scot D. Anderson,Gonzalo Araujo,Asia O. Armstrong,Pascal Bach,Adam Barnett,Mike B. Bennett,Natalia A. Bezerra,Ramon Bonfil,Andre M. Boustany,Heather D. Bowlby,Ilka Branco,Camrin D. Braun,Edward J. Brooks,Judith Brown,Patrick J. Burke, Paul Butcher,Michael Castleton,Taylor K. Chapple,Olivier Chateau,Maurice Clarke,Rui Coelho,Enric Cortes,Lydie I. E. Couturier,Paul D. Cowley,Donald A. Croll,Juan M. Cuevas,Tobey H. Curtis,Laurent Dagorn,Jonathan J. Dale,Ryan Daly,Heidi Dewar,Philip D. Doherty,Andres Domingo,Alistair D. M. Dove,Michael Drew,Christine L. Dudgeon,Clinton A. J. Duffy,Riley G. Elliott,Jim R. Ellis,Mark Erdmann,Thomas J. Farrugia,Luciana C. Ferreira,Francesco Ferretti,John D. Filmalter,Brittany Finucci,Chris Fischer,Richard Fitzpatrick,Fabien Forget,Kerstin Forsberg,Malcolm P. Francis,Bryan R. Franks,Austin J. Gallagher,Felipe Galvan-Magana,Mirta L. Garcia,Troy F. Gaston,Bronwyn M. Gillanders,Matthew J. Gollock,Jonathan R. Green,Sofia Green,Christopher A. Griffiths,Neil Hammerschlag,Abdi Hasan,Lucy A. Hawkes,Fabio Hazin,Matthew Heard,Alex Hearn,Kevin J. Hedges,Suzanne M. Henderson,John Holdsworth,Kim N. Holland,Lucy A. Howey,Robert E. Hueter, Nicholas E. Humphries,Melanie Hutchinson,Fabrice R. A. Jaine,Salvador J. Jorgensen,Paul E. Kanive,Jessica Labaja,Fernanda O. Lana,Hugo Lassauce,Rebecca S. Lipscombe,Fiona Llewellyn,Bruno C. L. Macena,Ronald Mambrasar,Jaime D. McAllister,Sophy R. McCully Phillips,Frazer McGregor,Matthew N. McMillan,Lianne M. McNaughton,Sibele A. Mendonca,Carl G. Meyer,Megan Meyers,John A. Mohan,John C. Montgomery,Gonzalo Mucientes,Michael K. Musyl,Nicole Nasby-Lucas,Lisa J. Natanson,John B. O'Sullivan,Paulo Oliveira,Yannis P. Papastamtiou,Toby A. Patterson,Simon J. Pierce,Nuno Queiroz,Craig A. Radford, Andy J. Richardson,Anthony J. Richardson,David Righton,Christoph A. Rohner,Mark A. Royer,Ryan A. Saunders,Matthias Schaber,Robert J. Schallert,Michael C. Scholl,Andrew C. Seitz,Jayson M. Semmens,Edy Setyawan,Brendan D. Shea,Rafid A. Shidqi,George L. Shillinger,Oliver N. Shipley,Mahmood S. Shivji, Abraham B. Sianipar,Joana F. Silva,David W. Sims,Gregory B. Skomal,Lara L. Sousa,Emily J. Southall,Julia L. Y. Spaet,Kilian M. Stehfest,Guy Stevens,Joshua D. Stewart,James A. Sulikowski, Ismail Syakurachman,Simon R. Thorrold,Michele Thums,David Tickler, Mariana T. Tolloti,Kathy A. Townsend,Paulo Travassos,John P. Tyminski,Jeremy J. Vaudo,Drausio Veras,Laurent Wantiez,Sam B. Weber,R. J. David Wells,Kevin C. Weng,Bradley M. Wetherbee,Jane E. Williamson,Matthew J. Witt,Serena Wright,Kelly Zilliacus,Barbara A. Block,David J. Curnick
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 37

#Citation: 1715

H-Index: 20

G-Index: 37

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 1

Activity: 0

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