views: 178
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About 210 international and national publications including original papers, review articles and book chapters on haemodynamic, humoral, and metabolic aspects of chronic liver disease. Main research topics include pathophysiology and metabolism and haemodynamic and homeostatic complications to chronic liver disease and portal hypertension in particular with focus on organ-related complications and fluid retention. Current research programmes cover studies on changes in pulmonary function (hepatopulmonary syndrome), impact of bacterial translocation and inflammation of cardiac and renal function in cirrhosis, pathophysiology and epidemiology relating to cirrhotic cardiomyopathy and investigation of novel biomarkers of renal injury (NGAL), cardiac failure (hsTNT), inflammation (hsCRP,sUPAR) and the prognostic potential of these systems. In terms of treatment we conduct protocols relating to acute and chronic haemodynamic effects of betablockers and randomised controlled trials on the effects of antibiotics (Rifaximin) on renal function and splanchnic and systemic haemodynamics. We are preparing studies on effects of vasoconstrictors (Dobutamin) on cardiac function and volumes in advanced cirrhosis. Moreover, we plan in cooperation with Rigshospitalet a study on haemodymic and humoral effects of intrahepatic shunts (TIPS) in patients with refractory ascites and bleeding oesophageal varices.
Research Interests
Papers共 881 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
Marie Bendix Simonsen, Sarah Bjerrum Bentzen,Sören Möller, Kristina Garne Holm, Christina Anne Vinter, Gitte Zachariassen
Maternal Health, Neonatology and Perinatologyno. 1 (2025): 1-11
Nina Vestergaard Simonsen,Sören Möller, Charlene Rae, Anne F Klassen,Lotte Poulsen,Andrea Louise Pusic, Jens Ahm Sørensen
Wound repair and regeneration official publication of the Wound Healing Society and the European Tissue Repair Societyno. 1 (2025): e13245-e13245
Søren Birkeland,Sören Möller
Katrine P Lindvig, Katrine H Thorhauge, Johanne K Hansen,Maria Kjærgaard,Camilla D Hansen,Stine Johansen, Ellen Lyngbeck,Mads Israelsen,Peter Andersen, Katrine T Bech,Nikolaj Torp, Helle L Schnefeld,Sönke Detlefsen,Sören Möller, Isabel Graupera, Morten B Trelle,Steen Antonsen, Rebecca Harris, Line L Kårhus, Kirsten S Bjørnsbo
The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatologyno. 1 (2025): 55-67
Archives of Women's Mental Health (2025)
Frederik Christensen, Deniz Kenan Kılıç, Izabela Ewa Nielsen, Tarec Christoffer El-Galaly, Andreas Glenthøj, Jens Helby, Henrik Frederiksen,Sören Möller, Alexander Djupnes Fuglkjær
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (2025)
Lise Gehrt,Sören Möller, Hélène Englund,Ida Laake, Heta Nieminen,Berit Feiring, Mika Lahdenkari, Arto A Palmu,Lill Trogstad,Christine Stabell Benn, Signe Sørup
Journal of Infectionpp.106365, (2025)
Pooya Rajabaleyan, Ask Vang,Sören Möller, Sardar Khalaf, Anna Gosvig Ladegaard,Niels Qvist, Mark Bremholm Ellebæk
World journal of surgery (2025)
Jakob Grauslund, Andreas Abou Taha, Laleh Dehghani Molander, Ryo Kawasaki,Sören Möller, Kurt Højlund, Lonny Stokholm
International journal of retina and vitreousno. 1 (2024): 97-97
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 880
#Citation: 18174
H-Index: 65
G-Index: 111
Sociability: 8
Diversity: 4
Activity: 63
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