views: 82
Career Trajectory
I hold a a PhD in Telecommunications Engineering (July 2002). I am a PhD in Telecommunications Engineering (July 2002). Since 2008 I have been working as a researcher at the Institute for Research and Innovation in Bioengineering (I3B) and since 2021 I'm its director. Since 2016 I'm director of the research group CVBLab (Computer Vison and Behaviour laboratory, attached to the I3B).
I have extensive experience in providing tools to boost digitization in different sectors such as industry or health, developing diagnostic aid systems based on artificial intelligence techniques for image and signal analysis.
One of my main lines of research is the development of clinical diagnosis support systems for the early prediction of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension or cancer.
I have worked on new signal and image pre-processing algorithms such as noise and artifact removal, color normalization, uniform illumination compensation, and segmentation and classification algorithms, as well as the identification of emotions by analysing physiological signals.
I have participated in editorial committees of different journals indexed in the JCR: Digital Signal Processing, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology among others.
During 2011 and 2012 I was a member of the project evaluation committee of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness in the TINTSI area. From June 2013 and until 2019, I was a Member of the ANECA accreditation committee for professor promotion of Engineering/Architecture University. In addition, I have been an ANEP evaluator for Ministry projects since 2010.
I have participated and led numerous national and European projects, the most important ones as principal investigator in recent years are projects basically focused on artificial intelligence, such as CLARIFY: Cloud Artificial Intelligence For Pathology (coordinator of the H2020 project in front of the EC), HARVIS: Human Aircraft Roadmap for Virtual Intelligent System (H2020), GALAHAD: Glaucoma- Advanced, LAbel-free High resolution Automated OCT Diagnostics (H2020), SICAP: Histopathological Image Interpretation System for Prostate Cancer Detection (National R&D&I Plan 2016-2020), ÁCRIMA - Fundus Image Analysis for Automatic Screening of Ophthalmological Diseases (National R&D&I Plan 2013-2016) or MINERVA - MId-to NEaR infrared spectroscopy for improVed medical diAgnostics (FP7). I have recently been granted (as PI) with 3 projects of the Horizon Europe call, all of them for digitalization of industrial sector. I have also recently been obtained funding in 5 research contracts with the companies IVI VALENCIA, WITOOTH, EPIDISEASE, NEURORHB and DAS PHOTONICS.
For all my research work, I have 4 six-year research periods recognized and have directed a total of 10 supervised PhDs (several of them with extraordinary prize and almost all of them with international mention).
Some of the awards with which my research career has been recognized are the BestInnovation Technology 2013 of the 'MIHealth Innovation Awards', 2015, or Pre-selected as national best practice in the Health & Environment category of WSA (word summit Award among others.
Research Interests
Papers共 221 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
Cristian Camilo Pulgarín-Ospina,Rocío del Amor, Adrián Colomera,Julio Silva-Rodríguez,Valery Naranjo
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicinepp.108577, (2025)
Ujwala Chaudhari, Bisi Bode Kolawole,Giovanni Santacroce, Irene Zanmarchi,Rocío del Amor,Pablo Meseguer, Andrea Buda, Raf Bisschop,Valery Naranjo,Subrata Ghosh,Marietta Iacucci,Enrico Grisan
Alvaro Barroso,Peter Heiduschka,Gerburg Nettels-Hackert,Steffi Ketelhut,Rocio del Amor, Fernando Garcia-Torres, Sandra Morales-Martinez,Valery Naranjo,Bjoern Kemper,Juergen Schnekenburger
Gastroenterologyno. 5 (2024): S-1488
Lucía Gómez-Zaragozá,Rocío del Amor, María José Castro-Bleda,Valery Naranjo,Mariano Alcañiz Raya,Javier Marín-Morales
Andres Mosquera-Zamudio,Laetitia Launet,Adrian Colomer,Katharina Wiedemeyer, Juan C. Lopez-Takegami, Luis F. Palma,Erling Undersrud, Emilius Janssen,Thomas Brenn,Valery Naranjo,Carlos Monteagudo
Histopathologyno. 1 (2024): 155-170
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 222
#Citation: 3918
H-Index: 26
G-Index: 58
Sociability: 6
Diversity: 3
Activity: 27
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