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Papers共 21 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Andrew F Auld,Ray W Shiraishi,Ikwo Oboho,Christine Ross,Moses Bateganya,Valerie Pelletier,Jacob Dee,Kesner Francois,Nirva Duval,Mayer Antoine,Chris Delcher,Gracia Desforges,Mark Griswold,Jean Wysler Domercant,Nadjy Joseph,Varough Deyde,Yrvel Desir,Joelle Deas Van Onacker,Ermane Robin,Helen Chun,Isaac Zulu,Ishani Pathmanathan,E Kainne Dokubo,Spencer Lloyd,Rituparna Pati,Jonathan Kaplan,Elliot Raizes,Thomas Spira,Kiren Mitruka,Aleny Couto,Eduardo Samo Gudo,Francisco Mbofana, Melissa Briggs,Charity Alfredo,Carla Xavier,Alfredo Vergara,Ndapewa Hamunime,Simon Agolory,Gram Mutandi,Naemi N Shoopala,Souleymane Sawadogo,Andrew L Baughman,Adebobola Bashorun,Ibrahim Dalhatu,Mahesh Swaminathan,Dennis Onotu,Solomon Odafe, Oseni Omomo Abiri,Henry H Debem,Hank Tomlinson,Velephi Okello,Peter Preko,Trong Ao,Caroline Ryan,George Bicego,Peter Ehrenkranz,Harrison Kamiru,Harriet Nuwagaba-Biribonwoha,Gideon Kwesigabo,Angela A Ramadhani, Kahemele Ng'wangu, Patrick Swai, Mohamed Mfaume, Ramadhani Gongo,Deborah Carpenter,Timothy D Mastro,Carol Hamilton,Julie Denison,Fred Wabwire-Mangen,Olivier Koole,Kwasi Torpey,Seymour G Williams,Robert Colebunders,Julius N Kalamya,Alice Namale,Michelle R Adler,Bridget Mugisa,Sundeep Gupta,Sharon Tsui,Eric van Praag,Duc B Nguyen,Sheryl Lyss, Yen Le,Abu S Abdul-Quader,Nhan T Do,Modest Mulenga,Sebastian Hachizovu,Owen Mugurungi,Beth A Tippett Barr,Elizabeth Gonese,Tsitsi Mutasa-Apollo,Shirish Balachandra,Stephanie Behel,Trista Bingham,Duncan Mackellar,David Lowrance,Tedd V Ellerbrock
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 21

#Citation: 707

H-Index: 13

G-Index: 20

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 2

Activity: 0

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