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Papers共 5 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Donghui Zhang,Kenneth Paul Baclawski,Vassilis J. Tsotras, K. Wada, Todd J. Green, Wei Fan, Kun Zhang,Wynne Hsu,Zoé Lacroix,Cartik R. Kothari,Peter Mork, M. Wilkinson,Sarah Cohen-Boulakia,Amarnath Gupta, Rami Rifaieh, J. Freire, Nigam H. Shah, S. Antani, Li Zhou, Hua Xu, Mehmet M. Dalkıiliıç,Mirella M. Moro,V. Tsotras,C. S. Jensen,R. Snodgrass,Chee Yong Chan, G. Canahuate, H. Ferhatosmanoğlu, B. Carminati, Michael Mitzenmacher, G. Amati, M. Melucci, Zhi-Hua Zhou,Hwanjo Yu,Marcelo Arenas,Dirk Van Gucht,Nick Craswell, K. Wittenburg, R. Shen,Edward A. Fox, G. Graefe, G. Sacco,Stefano Rizzi, W. M. P. van der Aalst, C. Francalanci
Donghui Zhang, Kenneth Paul Baclawski,Vassilis J. Tsotras, K. Wada, Todd J. Green, Wei Fan, Kun Zhang,Wynne Hsu,Zoé Lacroix, C. Kothari, Peter Mork, M. Wilkinson, Sarah Cohen-Boulakia, Amarnath Gupta, Rami Rifaieh,Juliana Freire,Nigam H. Shah, S. Antani, Li Zhou, Hua Xu, Mehmet M. Dalkıiliıç, M. Moro, V. Tsotras, C. S. Jensen, R. Snodgrass, Chee Yong Chan, G. Canahuate, H. Ferhatosmanoğlu, B. Carminati, Michael Mitzenmacher, G. Amati,Massimo Melucci, Zhi-Hua Zhou, Hw Yu, Marcelo Arenas, D. V. Gucht,Nick Craswell, K. Wittenburg, R. Shen, Edward A. Fox, G. Graefe, Giovanni Maria Sacco, Stefano Rizzi, W. van der Aalst, Chiara Francalanci
Author Statistics

#Papers: 5

#Citation: 0

H-Index: 0

G-Index: 0

Sociability: 4

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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