Aggressive Quadrotor Flight Using Dense Visual-Inertial Fusion


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In this work, we address the problem of aggressive flight of a quadrotor aerial vehicle using cameras and IMUs as the only sensing modalities. We present a fully integrated quadrotor system and demonstrate through online experiment the capability of autonomous flight with linear velocities up to 4.2 m/s, linear accelerations up to 9.6 m/s(2), and angular velocities up to 245.1 degree/s. Central to our approach is a dense visual-inertial state estimator for reliable tracking of aggressive motions. An uncertainty-aware direct dense visual tracking module provides camera pose tracking that takes inverse depth uncertainty into account and is resistant to motion blur. Measurements from IMU pre-integration and multi-constrained dense visual tracking are fused probabilistically using an optimization-based sensor fusion framework. Extensive statistical analysis and comparison are presented to verify the performance of the proposed approach. We also release our code as open-source ROS packages.
open-source ROS package,statistical analysis,optimization-based sensor fusion framework,probabilistic fusion,motion blur resistance,inverse depth uncertainty,camera pose tracking,uncertainty-aware direct dense visual tracking module,reliable aggressive motion tracking,dense visual-inertial state estimator,angular velocity,linear acceleration,linear velocity,autonomous flight,fully integrated quadrotor system,sensing modality,IMU,quadrotor aerial vehicle,dense visual-inertial fusion,aggressive quadrotor flight
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