MYC-driven small cell lung cancer is metabolically distinct and vulnerable to arginine depletion.


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Purpose: Small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) has been treated clinically as a homogeneous disease, but recent discoveries suggest that SCLC is heterogeneous. Whether metabolic differences exist among SCLC subtypes is largely unexplored. In this study, we aimed to determine whether metabolic vulner-abilities exist between SCLC subtypes that can be therapeutically exploited. Experimental Design: We performed steady state metabolomics on tumors isolated from distinct genetically engineered mouse models (GEMM) representing the MYC- and MYCL-driven subtypes of SCLC. Using genetic and pharmacologic approaches, we validated our findings in chemo-naive and -resistant human SCLC cell lines, multiple GEMMs, four human cell line xenografts, and four newly derived PDX models. Results: We discover that SCLC subtypes driven by different MYC family members have distinct metabolic profiles. MYC-driven SCLC preferentially depends on arginine-regulated pathways including polyamine biosynthesis and mTOR pathway activation. Chemo-resistant SCLC cells exhibit increased MYC expression and similar metabolic liabilities as chemo-naive MYC-driven cells. Arginine depletion with pegylated arginine deiminase (ADI-PEG 20) dramatically suppresses tumor growth and promotes survival of mice specifically with MYC-driven tumors, including in GEMMs,human cell line xenografts, and a patient-derived xenograft from a relapsed patient. Finally, ADI-PEG 20 is significantly more effective than the standard-of-care chemotherapy. Conclusions: These data identify metabolic heterogeneity within SCLC and suggest arginine deprivation as a subtype-specific therapeutic vulnerability for MYC-driven SCLC.
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