
A Multiobjective Evolutionary Nonlinear Ensemble Learning with Evolutionary Feature Selection for Silicon Prediction in Blast Furnace.

IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems(2022)

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In the blast furnace ironmaking process, accurate prediction of silicon content in molten iron is of great significance for maintaining stable furnace conditions, improving hot metal quality, and reducing energy consumption. However, most of the current research works employ linear correlation coefficient methods to select input features in modeling, which may not fully take the nonlinear and coupling relationships between features into account. Therefore, this article considers the input feature selection issue of silicon content prediction model from a new perspective and proposes a multiobjective evolutionary nonlinear ensemble learning model with evolutionary feature selection mechanism (MOENE-EFS), in which extreme learning machine is adopted as the base learner. MOENE-EFS takes the input feature scheme of each base learner as well as their network structure and parameters as decision variables and proposes a modified nondominated sorting differential evolution algorithm to optimize two conflicting objectives, i.e., accuracy and diversity of base learners, simultaneously. Through the optimization, a set of Pareto optimal base learners with high accuracy and strong diversity can be obtained. Moreover, different from the linear ensemble methods commonly used in classical evolutionary ensemble learning, this article proposes a nonlinear ensemble method to combine the obtained base learners based on differential evolution. Experimental results indicate that the two proposed strategies, i.e., evolutionary feature selection and nonlinear ensemble, are very effective in improving the accuracy and stability of the prediction model. MOENE-EFS also outperforms the other prediction models in both benchmark data and practical industrial data. Furthermore, analysis on the input features of all Pareto optimal base learners shows that the evolutionary feature selection is capable of selecting essential features and is consistent with human experience, which indicates it is a promising method to deal with the input feature selection issue in silicon content prediction.
Silicon,Predictive models,Feature extraction,Metals,Optimization,Modeling,Iron,Extreme learning machine (ELM),multiobjective evolutionary ensemble learning,nonlinear ensemble,silicon content
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