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RHUPS: Mining Recent High Utility Patterns with Sliding Window-based Arrival Time Control over Data Streams

ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology(2021)

Cited 16|Views11
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Databases that deal with the real world have various characteristics. New data is continuously inserted over time without limiting the length of the database, and a variety of information about the items constituting the database is contained. Recently generated data has a greater influence than the previously generated data. These are called the time-sensitive non-binary stream databases, and they include databases such as web-server click data, market sales data, data from sensor networks, and network traffic measurement. Many high utility pattern mining and stream pattern mining methods have been proposed so far. However, they have a limitation that they are not suitable to analyze these databases, because they find valid patterns by analyzing a database with only some of the features described above. Therefore, knowledge-based software about how to find meaningful information efficiently by analyzing databases with these characteristics is required. In this article, we propose an intelligent information system that calculates the influence of the insertion time of each batch in a large-scale stream database by applying the sliding window model and mines recent high utility patterns without generating candidate patterns. In addition, a novel list-based data structure is suggested for a fast and efficient management of the time-sensitive stream databases. Moreover, our technique is compared with state-of-the-art algorithms through various experiments using real datasets and synthetic datasets. The experimental results showthat our approach outperforms the previously proposed methods in terms of runtime, memory usage, and scalability.
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Recent high utility pattern,stream database,sliding window,evolutionary time-fading factor
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