Profiles of global and target-specific work commitments: Why compatibility is better and how to achieve it

Journal of Vocational Behavior(2021)

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Employees can develop multiple commitments at work. These commitments can combine in different ways, with implications for organizations and employees themselves. In this study we conducted latent profile analyses (LPA) to identify different configurations of commitment to the organization, supervisor, work group, and citizens among a sample of employees from a police organization (N = 2090). The LPA were estimated while differentiating between employees' global and target-specific commitments in accordance with Perreira et al.'s (2018) hierarchical model of commitment. We identified six profiles, which demonstrated differential relations with theoretical antecedents (organizational support and values fit) and outcomes (turnover intention, organizational citizenship behavior, and well-being). The optimal profile from an outcome perspective was characterized by a strong global commitment accompanied by balanced above-average commitments to the four specific targets. Employees with this profile also reported the greatest support and values fit. The remaining profiles with lower global commitment and differentiated commitments to specific targets demonstrated more varied relations with both the antecedents and outcomes. Implications for theory pertaining to the compatibility and combined effects of multiple commitments are discussed along with implications for management.
Multiple commitments,Organizational support,Values fit,Well-being,Turnover intention,Organizational citizenship behaviors,Latent profile analysis,Hierarchical model,Bifactor
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