Ultra-precise all-optical manipulation of neural circuits with multifunctional Cre-dependent transgenic mice

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2022)

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Determining which features of the neural code drive perception and behavior requires the ability to simultaneous read out and write in neural activity patterns with high precision across many neurons. All-optical systems that combine two photon (2p) calcium imaging and targeted 2p photostimulation enable the activation of specific, functionally defined groups of neurons in behaving animals. However, these techniques do not yet have the ability to reveal how the specific distribution of firing rates across a relevant neural population mediates neural computation and behavior. The key technical obstacle is the inability to transform single-cell calcium signals into accurate estimates of firing rate changes and then write in these cell-specific firing rate changes to each individual neuron in a targeted population. To overcome this challenge, we made two advances: first we introduce a new genetic line of mice for robust Cre-dependent co-expression of a high-performance calcium indicator and a potent soma-targeted microbial opsin. Second, using this line, we developed a pipeline that enables the read-out and write-in of precise population vectors of neural activity across a targeted group of neurons. The combination of the new multifunctional transgenic line and the photostimulation paradigm offer a powerful and convenient platform for investigating the neural codes of computation and behavior. It may prove particularly useful for probing causal features of the geometry of neural representations where the ability to directly control the topology of population activity is essential. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
neural circuits,mice,ultra-precise,all-optical,cre-dependent
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