Evaluating Supervision Levels Trade-Offs for Infrared-Based People Counting

David Latortue, Moetez Kdayem,Fidel A Guerrero Peña,Eric Granger,Marco Pedersoli

2024 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision Workshops (WACVW)(2023)

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Object detection models are commonly used for people counting (and localization) in many applications but require a dataset with costly bounding box annotations for training. Given the importance of privacy in people counting, these models rely more and more on infrared images, making the task even harder. In this paper, we explore how weaker levels of supervision can affect the performance of deep person counting architectures for image classification and point-level localization. Our experiments indicate that counting people using a CNN Image-Level model achieves competitive results with YOLO detectors and point-level models, yet provides a higher frame rate and a similar amount of model parameters.
Level Of Supervision,People Counting,Convolutional Network,Convolutional Neural Network,Object Detection,Bounding Box,Training Set,Number Of People,Convolutional Layers,Input Image,Feature Maps,Deep Learning Models,Image Object,Cost-effective Method,Counting Accuracy,Vision Transformer,Query Point,IR Images,Quadtree,Crowd Density,Different Amounts Of Data,Single Shot Detector,Strong Supervision,Pre-training Method,Parameter Count,Perspective Camera,Additional Details,Infrared Imaging,Pixel Coordinates,Benchmark
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