
Indian Currency Recognition for Visually Impaired Individuals

Nitasha Rathore, Mopuro Bhargavi,Anu Bala, Kanishk Kashyap, Deepali Yadav, Vishal Gupta,Anurag Sinha,Biresh Kumar,Anita Kumari

2023 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT)(2023)

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The system described in the research paper is built to recognise various banknotes using computer vision and machine learning methods and to give the user aural feedback through speakers or headphones. The suggested system makes use of a camera module for the Raspberry Pi, the OpenCV library to collect photos of currency notes, and a convolutional neural network (CNN) to classify the notes according to their properties. Because it is built on the Raspberry Pi platform, the system is portable and usable by people with visual impairments. The system's design and development, including the phases of data gathering, preprocessing, training, and testing, are covered in the paper. The technology detects different currencies with high accuracy rates and can give the user feedback in real time Computer vision also has a wide range of other uses, including picture recognition, object detection, face recognition, etc. Applications for machine learning include fraud detection, spam filtering, recommendation systems, and many more. There are numerous more techniques to assist those who are blind, including braille displays and text-to-speech programmers. Many other inexpensive gadgets, such Arduino boards and Beagle Bone Black boards, can be used for comparable tasks.
Raspberry Pi,computer vision,machine learning,openCV,CNN
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