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Constructive Place-and-Route for FinFET-Based Transistor Arrays in Analog Circuits under Nonlinear Gradients

IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems(2024)

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The design of active array structures in analog circuits requires careful matching to minimize the impact of variations. This work presents a constructive approach for building these arrays to directly incorporate shifts due to process variations, considering systematic first-order and second order gradients; to account for systematic layout effects, including parasitic mismatch and layout-dependent effects due to stress; and to ensure that the resulting layout delivers high performance. The proposed algorithms are targeted to FinFET technologies and are validated for multiple analog blocks in a commercial 12nm FinFET process. The layouts generated by the proposed method are demonstrated to provide better matching and performance than prior methods.
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layout-dependent effects,mismatch,nonlinear gradients,routing parasitic,electromigration
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