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Career Trajectory
Computational plasma physics, electromagnetics, beam physics, high field effects including sheath formation, field emission, multipactor, and breakdown, laser-plasma interactions, plasma edge effects, transport, numerical methods, object-oriented techniques applied to scientific computing, visualization, plasma waves and boundary phenomena. Applications include microwave-beam devices, charged particle beam optics, fusion and other energy applications, accelerators, plasma thrusters, low pressure discharges for plasma processing, and high pressure discharges including plasma display panels and fluorescent lamps.
Research Interests
Papers共 416 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
2024 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS)pp.1-1, (2024)
2024 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS)pp.1-1, (2024)
2024 Joint International Vacuum Electronics Conference and International Vacuum Electron Sources Conference (IVEC + IVESC)pp.1-2, (2024)
Xiaomin Qu,Yindong Huang, Bin Zhou,Mingxin Gao,Jing Lou, Yifei Feng,Zengxiu Zhao,Chao Chang,Alexander P. Shkurinov,John Verboncoeur
OPTICAno. 10 (2024): 1478-1481
Nalini Ratha, Chang Wen,Stephanie Schuckers,Terrance E. Boult,Nicholas Evans,Ioannis A. Kakadiaris,Dario Maio,Sébastien Marcel,Domingo Mery, Karthik Nandukumar,Mark Nixon,Arun Ross, Yunhong Wang, Nasir Memom,Ajay Kumar,Albert Ali Salah,Vivek Kanhangad,Adam Czajka, V Finances,Patrizio Campisi,Saifur Rahman,Thomas Coughlin, I. M. Liu,Forrest Past, Ellen Wright,Jill Gostin, Sergio Benedetto,Ye Yuan,John Verboncoeur,Eduardo Palacio,Franco Maloberti, Theodore Hissey,Sophia Muirhead, Priscilla Amalraj, Liesel Bell,Russell Harrison,Karen Hawkins,Steven Heffner,Donna Hourican,Cecelia Jankowski,Konstantinos Karachalios,Jamie Moesch,Thomas Siegert,Mary Ward-Callan
IEEE Transactions on Biometrics Behavior and Identity Scienceno. 3 (2023): C2-C2
Huijun Gao,I‐Ming Chen,Dawn Melley,Saifur Rahman,Thomas Coughlin,Forrest Wright,Mary Randall, Sergio Benedetto,Jill Gostin, Yirang Yuan,John Verboncoeur,Eduardo Palacio, Karen Ohland
IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronicsno. 1 (2023): C2-C2
2023 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS)pp.1-1, (2023)
Dawn Melley, Kevin Lisankie, Peter Tuohy, Jeffrey Cichocki, Neelam Khinvasara, Patrick Kempf, E. McGuinness,Saifur Rahman, Thomas Coughlin, Forrest Wright, Mary Randall, K Liu, Rabab Ward, Sergio Benedetto, Jill Gostin, Yuan Yu,John Verboncoeur, Eduardo Palacio, Stephanie White, Sonia Martı́nez, Priscilla Amalraj, Liesel Bell, Anta Cisse-Green, Russell Harrison, Karen Hawkins, Steven Heffner, Donna Hourican, Cecelia Jankowski, Konstantinos Karachalios, Jamie Moesch, Thomas Siegert, Mary Ward-Callan
IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems (2023): C2-C2
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 419
#Citation: 7081
H-Index: 34
G-Index: 69
Sociability: 7
Diversity: 2
Activity: 8
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