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Career Trajectory
I study visual processing in the brain by building predictive models of population responses from the macaque and rodent brains to image and video sequences. I use techniques from machine learning and computer vision to improve our predictive models and gain insights into the nonlinear computations of visual neurons. My goal is to understand the functional organization of the visual cortex and to use these insights to enhance current computer vision methods.
Research Interests
Papers共 18 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
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PLoS Comput Biolno. 5 (2024)
K. Willeke,Kelli Restivo, K. Franke,Arne F. Nix,Santiago A. Cadena,Tori Shinn, Cate Nealley, Gabrielle Rodriguez, S. Patel,Alexander S. Ecker,Fabian H Sinz,A. Tolias
bioRxiv (2023)
bioRxiv the preprint server for biology (2023)
Konstantin F. Willeke,Kelli Restivo,Katrin Franke,Arne Nix,Santiago A. Cadena,Tori J. Shinn, Cate Nealley, Gabby Rodriguez,Saumil S. Patel,Alexander S. Ecker,Fabian H. Sinz,Andreas S. Tolias
bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory) (2023)
bioRxiv (2022)
Konstantin F. Willeke,Paul G. Fahey,Mohammad Bashiri,Laura Hansel,Christoph Blessing,Konstantin-Klemens Lurz,Max F. Burg,Santiago A. Cadena,Zhiwei Ding,Kayla Ponder,Taliah Muhammad,Saumil S. Patel,Kaiwen Deng, Yuanfang Guan,Yiqin Zhu,Kaiwen Xiao,Xiao Han, Simone Azeglio,Ulisse Ferrari, Peter Neri,Olivier Marre, Adrian Hoffmann,Kirill Fedyanin, Kirill Vishniakov,Maxim Panov, Subash Prakash, Kishan Naik,Kantharaju Narayanappa,Alexander S. Ecker,Andreas S. Tolias,Fabian H. Sinz
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systemspp.314-333, (2022)
CoRR (2022)
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 18
#Citation: 493
H-Index: 10
G-Index: 14
Sociability: 4
Diversity: 1
Activity: 4
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