Ulises Gomez-Pinedo
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria San Carlos (IdISSC)
, Hospital Clínico San Carlos;Red de Terapia Celular (TerCel),, Instituto Nacional de Salud Carlos III;Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria San Carlos (IdISSC),, Instituto Nacional de Salud Carlos III
views: 50
Career Trajectory
PhD in Biomedical Sciences with a focus on Neuroscience, whose studies have centered on three closely related areas:
• Cell Therapy in the CNS
• Adult Neurogenesis
• Pathophysiological mechanisms of Neurodegenerative Diseases such as PD, ALS and MS
Currently, I am part of the group of researchers at the Institute of Neurosciences of the IdISSC of the San Carlos Clinical Hospital. I am responsible for the research laboratory in neurobiology.
My area of expertise is the development of experimental models of cerebrovascular pathologies, neurodegenerative diseases and in vitro models, as well as extensive knowledge and management of techniques of SEM, TEM, confocal, stereology, transfection and cell culture.
Research Interests
Papers共 147 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
U. Gomez-Pinedo,J.A. Matías-Guiu,L. Torre-Fuentes,P. Montero-Escribano, L. Hernández-Lorenzo,V. Pytel,P. Maietta,S. Alvarez, I. Sanclemente-Alamán,L. Moreno-Jimenez,D. Ojeda-Hernandez, N. Villar-Gómez,M.S. Benito-Martin,B. Selma-Calvo, L. Vidorreta-Ballesteros,R. Madrid,J. Matías-Guiu
M. Larriba González, M. García Martín, B. Selma Calvo-Fernández, M. Benito Martín, S. de la Fuente Martín, D. Ojeda-Hernández, O. Fathy-Kamal, J. Matías-Guiu Antem, J. Matías-Guiu Guía,U. Gómez Pinedo
Neurology Perspectives (2024): 91
Scientific Reportsno. 1 (2024)
E. Valiente Gordillo, I. Ortega Madueño, M. Valles-Salgado, M. Cárdenas, C. Delgado Alonso, M. Diez Cirarda, J. López Carbonero, L. Peña De Diego,U. Gómez Pinedo, J. Matías-Guiu Guía,M. Gil Moreno, J. Matías-Guiu Antem
Neurology Perspectives (2024): 22
M. Díez Cirarda, M. Yus Fuertes, C. Delgado Alonso, L. Gil Martínez, C. Jiménez García,M. Gil Moreno, N. Gómez Ruiz, S. Oliver Mas, C. Polidura, M. Jorquera,U. Gómez Pinedo, J. Arrazola, S. Sánchez Ramón, J. Matías-Guiu, G. González Escamilla,J. Matías-Guiu A
Neurology Perspectives (2024): 88-89
B. Selma Calvo-Fernández, T. Larriba González, M. García Martín, M. Benito Martín, S. de la Fuente Martín, O. Mohamed-Fathy Kamal, D. Ojeda Hernández, P. Fernández Martínez, L. Zaldívar Martínez, R. Arroyo Solera, J. Matías-Guiu Antem, J. Matías-Guiu Guía,U. Gómez Pinedo
Neurology Perspectives (2024): 227
O. Mohamed Fathy Kamal, T. Larriba González, B. Calvo Fernández, M. Benito Martín, S. de la Fuente Martín, M. García Martín, D. Ojeda Hernández, J. Matías-Guiu Antem, J. Matías-Guiu Guía,U. Gómez Pinedo
Neurology Perspectives (2024): 347
M. García Martín, T. Larriba González, B. Selma Calvo-Fernández, M. Benito Martín, S. de la Fuente Martín, O. Mohamed-Fathy Kamal, D. Ojeda Hernández, P. Fernández Martínez, R. Arroyo Solera, L. Zaldívar Martínez, J. Matías-Guiu Antem, J. Matías- Guiu Guía,U. Gómez Pinedo
Neurology Perspectives (2024): 90-91
S. de la Fuente Martín, T. Larriba González, M. García Martín, P. Pérez Morán, L. Martín Blanco, A. García Fernández, B. Selma Calvo-Fernández, M. Benito Martín, D. Ojeda Hernández, O. Mohamed-Fathy Kamal, F. Sancho Bielsa, J. Matías-Guiu Antem, J. Matías-Guiu Guía,U. Gómez Pinedo
Neurology Perspectives (2024): 227
Doddy Denise Ojeda-Hernandez,Susana Velasco-Lozano,Jose M. Fraile,J. C. Mateos-Diaz,Francisco J. Rojo,Maria Soledad Benito-Martin,Belen Selma-Calvo,Sarah de la Fuente-martin, Marina Garcia-Martin, Maria Teresa Larriba-Gonzalez,Mercedes Azucena Hernandez-Sapiens,Alejandro A. Canales-Aguirre, Jordi A. Matias-Guiu,Jorge Matias-Guiu,Ulises Gomez-Pinedo
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 147
#Citation: 3186
H-Index: 29
G-Index: 53
Sociability: 6
Diversity: 3
Activity: 11
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