views: 118
Career Trajectory
His main research interest is the understanding of how and why the climate, in particular its extreme weather and climate events, has changed over the past century and how it is likely to change in the future. He works closely with the users of climate information. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. He serves as Editor-in-Chief for journal Weather and Climate Extremes. He served as a coordinating lead author for the chapter on Weather and Climate Extreme Events in a Changing Climate of the IPCC 6th Assessment WGI Report, and he was also a lead author for the IPCC Special Report on managing the risks of extreme events and the 5th Assessment Working Group I Report. He led the assessment on changes in temperature and precipitation for Canada’s Changing Climate Report.
Research Interests
Papers共 298 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
JOURNAL OF CLIMATEno. 5 (2024): 1567-1580
Megan C Kirchmeier-Young,Elizaveta Malinina,Quinn E Barber, Karen Garcia Perdomo,Salvatore R Curasi, Yongxiao Liang, Piyush Jain,Nathan P Gillett, Marc-André Parisien,Alex J Cannon,Aranildo R Lima,Vivek K Arora,Yan Boulanger,Joe R Melton, Laura Van Vliet,Xuebin Zhang
NPJ climate and atmospheric scienceno. 1 (2024): 316-316
Jana Sillmann, Timothy H. Raupach, Kirsten L. Findell,Markus Donat, Lincoln M. Alves,Lisa Alexander, Leonard Borchert, Pablo Borges de Amorim, Carlo Buontempo, Erich M. Fischer, Christian L. Franzke, Bin Guan, Marjolijn Haasnoot, Ed Hawkins,Daniela Jacob, Roché Mahon,Douglas Maraun, Monica A. Morrison,Benjamin Poschlod, Alex C. Ruane, Shampa, Tannecia Stephenson, Narelle van der Wel,Zhuo Wang,Xuebin Zhang, Josipa Županić
Frontiers in Climate (2024)
Chaojiao Sun,Craig Steinberg, Eduardo Klein Salas,Camille Mellin, Russell C Babcock, Andreas Schiller,Neal E Cantin, Jessica S Stella,Mark E Baird,Scott A Condie,Alistair J Hobday,Mike Herzfeld,Nicole L Jones,Xuebin Zhang,Matthew A Chamberlain, Russ Fiedler, Cody Green,Andrew D L Steven
Science advancesno. 48 (2024): eado6884-eado6884
ATMOSPHERE-OCEANno. 3 (2024): 193-205
Journal of Climate (2024)
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 294
#Citation: 34652
H-Index: 71
G-Index: 185
Sociability: 7
Diversity: 3
Activity: 118
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