Distinct Transcriptomic Cell Types and Neural Circuits of the Subiculum and Prosubiculum along the Dorsal-Ventral Axis.

Cell Reports(2020)

引用 40|浏览59
Subicular regions play important roles in spatial processing and many cognitive functions, and these are mainly attributed to the subiculum (Sub) rather than the prosubiculum (PS). Using single-cell RNA sequencing, we identify 27 transcriptomic cell types residing in sub-domains of the Sub and PS. Based on in situ expression of reliable transcriptomic markers, the precise boundaries of the Sub and PS are consistently defined along the dorsoventral axis. Using these borders to evaluate Cre-line specificity and tracer injections, we find bona fide Sub projections topographically to structures important for spatial processing and navigation. In contrast, the PS sends its outputs to widespread brain regions crucial for motivation, emotion, reward, stress, anxiety, and fear. The Sub and PS, respectively, dominate dorsal and ventral subicular regions and receive different afferents. These results reveal two molecularly and anatomically distinct circuits centered in the Sub and PS, respectively, providing a consistent explanation for historical data and a clearer foundation for future studies.
scRNA-seq,single-cell transcriptomics,subicular complex,prosubiculum,ventral hippocampus,cell types,connectivity,CA1,Cre-dependent tracing,entorhinal cortex
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